Announcement & Notices DescriptionDocument oNotice of 20th Annual General MeetingViewoNotice of Postal Ballot dated 07.02.2024View oAppointment of Statutory Auditor 06.10.23View oResignation of Internal Auditor_03.10.23View oAppointment of Statutory Auditor_03.10.23View oScrutinizer Report_28.09.23View oIntimation under Regulation 39_27.09.23View oClosure of Trading Window 27.09.23View oProceeding of AGM 27.09.23View oIntimation under Regulation 39(3)18.09.23View oIntimation under Regulation 39(3)15.09.23View oBRSR050923View oNewspaper publication dated 040923View oIntimation on dispatch of Notice of AGMView oNotice of AGMView oEngagement of Transaction Advisor for Pune LandView oIntimation under Regulation 39(3) of SEBI LODR, 2015View oNewpaper Publication for financial results for period ended on 30.06.2023View oIntimation under Regulation 39 (3) of SEBI LODR, 2015View oOutcome of Board Meeting held on 11.08.2023View oIntimation for reschedule of Board MeetingView oNotice of Meeting of Board of DirectorsView oIntimation under Regulation 39(3) of SEBI LODR,2015View oIntimation under Regulation 39(3) of SEBI LODR, 2015View oIntimation under Regulation 39(3) of SEBI LODR,2015 dated 13.07.2023View oIntimation under Regulation 39(3) of SEBILODR, 2015View oCertificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) RegulationsView oUpdate on Stakeholders’ Meet, 2023View oIntimation of Stakeholders’ MeetView oClosure of Trading windowView oIntimation under Regulation 39(3) of SEBI LODR,2015View oIntimation under Regulation 39(3) of SEBI LODR,2015View oNewspaper Intimation financial results for period ended on 31.03.2023View oDisclosure under Regulation 23 (9) of SEBI LODR, 2015 for period ended 31.03.2023View oOutcome of Board Meeting held on 29.05.2023View oAnnual Secretarial Compliance Report for period ended on 31.03.2023View oIntimation of Board Meeting for consideration of audited financial results for period ended on 31.03.2023View oDeclaration of Voting Results of Postal Ballot as per Regulation 44(3) of SEBI LODR,2015View oAnnual Disclosure for period ended on 31.03.2023View oIntimation under Regulation 39 of SEBI LODR,2015View oInitial Disclosure for period ended on 31.03.2023View oReconciliation of Share Capital for period ended on 31.03.2023View oCertificate under Regulation 40 (9) and 40 (10) of the SEBI LODR, 2015View oCompletion of Dispatch of Notice of Postal Ballot dated 17.04.23View oCertificate under Regulation 7 (3) of the SEBI LODR 2015View oCertificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) RegulationsView oNotice of posatal ballet for approval of RPTY during financial year 2023-24View oClosure of Trading window dated 31.3.2023View oOutcome of Board Meeting dated 29.03.2023View oLoss Of Share CertificateView oNewspaper publication of Financial results for quarter ended on 31.12.2022View oIntimation of board meeting for unaudited Financial Results for the quarter ended December 31,2022.View oReconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report as on Dec31 2022View oClosure of trading window for Q3View oScrutinizer Report AGMView oProceeding AGMView oNewspaper AdvertisementView oChange in DirectorateView oAddendum as Addendum to Notice of 18th AGMView o18" Annual General Meeting of the members of Hemisphere Properties India Limited will be held on Wednesday, December 28, 2022View oBoard Meeting for Unaudited Financial Results for the quarter and half year ended September 30, 2022.View oReconciliation of Share Capital Audit Report 30-09-2022View oCertificate under Regulation 74(5) of SEBI (Depositories and Participants) Regulations, 2018 for the quarter and half year ended on September 30, 2022View oClosure of Trading Window for Q3View oVoting Results of Postal Ballot of Notice dated 03.08.2022View oIntimation for appointment of Statutory Auditor for FY 2022-23View oIntimation for extension of Annual General Meeting for FY 2021-22View oAdvertisement of notice of Postal Ballot dated 03.08.2022View oNotice of Postal Ballot dated 03.08.2022View oAdvertisement of extract of financial results for the quarter ended on 30.06.2022View oReconciliation of Share Capital for the period ended on 30.06.2022View oIntimation of Board Meeting to be held on 03.08.2022View oSubmission of response against clarification from stock exchangeView oDisclosure under Regulation 23(9) of the SEBI Listing RegulationView oAdvertisement of extract of Financial Statements for quarter and year ended on 31.03.2022View oAnnual Secretarial Compliance Report for the year ended on 31.03.2022View oIntimation of Board Meeting to be held on 26.05.2022View oCessation of Ms. Priya Mahadevan as Director in the CompanyView oDisclosure of Voting results of Postal Ballot (Regulation 44(3) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015)View oCertificate under Regulation 74(5) of DP Regulations 2018 for the quarter ended on March 31, 2022View oCertificate under Regulation 7(3) of SEBI Regulations, 2015 for the year ended on March 31,2022View oIntimation of sanction of loan from Government of IndiaView oClosing of Trading window for quarter ended on 31.03.2022View oAdvertisement of notice of Postal ballot dated 21.03.2022View oNotice of Postal ballot dated 17.03.2022View oIntimation of Board Meeting to be held on 11.02.2022View oShareholding pattern for the quarter ended on 31.12.2021View oReconciliation of share capital Audit report for quarter ended on 31.12.2021View oCertificate under Regulation 74 (5) of DP Regulations 2018 for quarter ended on 31.12.2021View oPublication of 17th AGM NoticeView oPublication of Notice of AGM to be held on 23.12.2021View oIntimation of Cut-off dates, Voting period for 17th AGMView oIntimation of reschedule of Board MeetingView oIntimation of Board meeting to be held on 10.11.2021View oAppointment of Dr. Madhu Rani Teotia as Director and Cessation of Sh. Amit Kataria as Director.View oCertificate 74(5) for quarter ended September 2021View oIntimation for closure of Trading WindowView oIntimation for extension of Annual General Meeting For FY 2021-22View oIntimation for change in Statutory Auditor’s for FY 2021-22View oAdvertisement of extract of Financial statements for quarter ended on 30.06.2021 in newspaper.View oPublication of notice of Board Meeting to be held on 12.08.2021View oIntimation of Board Meeting to be held on 12.08.2021View oReconciliation of Share Share for quarter ended on 30.06.2021View oDisclosure Under Regulation 23(9) of the SEBI Listing Regulations.View oCertificate 74(5) for quarter ended on 30.06.2021View oAppointment of Mr. Ravi Kumar Arora as DirectorView oAnnual Secretarial Compliance Report for the year ended on 31.03.2021View oAdvertisement of Extract of Financial Statements for quarter and year ended on 31.03.2021 in NewspaperView oAppointment of Ms. Priya Mahadevan and Mr. Rajeev Kumar Das as DirectorsView oIntimation of Board Meeting to be held on 14.06.2021 to consider, approve and to take on record the Audited Financial Statements for quarter and year ended 31.03.2021View oAllotment of Non Cumulative Redeemable Preference Shares (NCPRS) to Promoter of the CompanyView oShare Capital Audit Report under Regulation 76 of DP Regulations 2018View oCertificate under Regulation 40 (10) of the SEBI Listing RegulationsView oDisclosure of Voting results of Postal Ballot (Regulation 44(3) of SEBI (LODR) Regulations, 2015)View oAppointment of Internal AuditorView oIntimation of Change in DirectorateView oNotice of Postal Ballot dated 24.02.2021View oOutcome of Board Meeting held on 24.02.2021View oIntimation of Board Meeting to be held on 24.02.2021View oAdvertisement of Extract of Financial Statements for quarter ended on 31.12.2020 in NewspaperView oPublication of notice of Board Meeting to be held on 09.02.2021View oIntimation of Board Meeting to be held on 09.02.2021View oReconciliation of Share Capital Audit for quarter ended 31.12.2020View oSanction of LoanView oCertificate 74(5)View oScrutinizer Report on 16th Annual General MeetingView oProceeding of 16th Annual General MeetingView oNotice of 16th Annual General MeetingView oAppointment of Sh. DK Barnwal as DirectorView oAdvertisement of Extract of Financial Statements for quarter ended on 30.09.2020 in NewspaperView oPublication of Notice of Board Meeting to be held on 12.11.2020View oIntimation of Board MeetingView oNSE Trading ApprovalView oBSE Trading ApprovalView oPublic Announcement-HindiView oPublic Announcement- EnglishView oHPIL Information MemorandumView oScrutinizers ReportView oNotices to the shareholders pursuant to section 230 to 232 of companies Act, 2013View oFinal SchemeView oOpen Offer DocumentationView oForm Of ConfirmationView oNoticeView